2004 2005 2006 Toyota Prius

Brake Trouble code check and clear

Touch screen diags, for 2004 or newer Use of this information might result in disabling your vehicle, use it at your own risk.

Hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times, you can wait for system checks.

-OR- Press the display button, then press the left upper and lower corners within the display settings box 3 times.

If codes exist press LAN Mon, then CHEK to show codes or hold code clr to clear codes.

From the initial screen, hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times for Model Info Set Up (type) screen.

I do not know what these do, use at your own risk. Types are : 690N 740N 836N 783N 620N 808N 480X 900N 382X 290X Types are : 901N EMV AVX(ten) AVX(nat) AVX_HV(ten) AVX_HV(nat) 749N

Use the Menu button to reach the Diagnosis Menu, press the Display Check and then Vehicle Signal Check to show the accessory battery voltage and other information.

From the Diagnosis Menu press upper-left then lower-right screen corners for PDM menu. All buttons except for perhaps the Init. BackUp may be safe to use.

From PDM screen, hold Info button while turning the lights on and off 3 times for an untitled screen. Here you find a number of options stating success or PGM rqd including TKM, Flicker, setting:Tape/MD, setting Address:110H/120H, setting AC:off/on, and setting Auto:off/on

Hold the physical Display button to exit at any time, or simply power off the car.











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